Balance on your left foot, engage the abs, and bend forward at the hips while reaching toward the ground with your right hand. Hold on to a 5- to 10-pound weight and raise your right leg behind you for counterbalance. Tighten the buttocks as you return to the starting position. Keep your knee relaxed and back flat throughout the movement. Switch legs.
Side Lunge With Front Reach
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold a ball with both hands, elbows bent, in front of your chest. Step to the right and press your hips down and back, as you push the ball out in front of you. Keep your left foot flat on the floor. Now, push off with your right leg, pull the ball back in towards you, and return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold a ball with both hands, elbows bent, in front of your chest. Step to the right and place right foot firmly on the floor; press hips down and back as you push the ball out in front of you and then rotate the ball to your right and back to the front; keep left foot flat on the floor. Push off with your right leg and return to starting position. Switch sides.
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